Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Buffy the Vampire Slayer and All My Children

The "outing" of Willow Rosenburg was anything but a cry for ratings, unlike the Hayden Panettiere/Heroes fiasco just a few years ago when the revolving door lover of many males, Claire Bennet suddenly starts an interest in a homely co-ed during the show's least viewed, and final season. In Buffy the Vampire Slayer Joss Whedon, the show's creator, hints at Willow's future sexual realization early on when Willow meets an alternate universe, vampire version of herself, who in every sense of the word is bisexual. The fourth season of the hit show allows Willow to blossom sexually with the departure and betrayal of her one and only boyfriend, Oz. What follows is one of the most well done "easing them into it" tv tactics I have ever seen. Whedon reveals the sexual relationship between Willow and new "friend" Tara through their mutual practicing of witchcraft, some spells becoming so intense it is clear that one or both at times appear to be reaching orgasm. Not until the death of Buffy's mom, a dark and depressing episode for the Buffyverse, that the audience finally sees the couple kiss on screen, a passionate attempt from Tara to console a mourning Willow. Hard for an audience to complain about that kiss, if you have a heart at all. Most shows at that time, when giving their main characters a gay romance, usually throw it away in later episodes as a fling after the relationship is over. In Buffy, Willow loses Tara and in the final season of the show, meets a new female love interest, showing that being a lesbian was who Willow was, and it was not just Tara who symbolized Willow's homosexuality anymore. It was Willow herself. Definitely a show I urge ANYONE to check out. The first two seasons are rough when it comes to special effects. Very nineties. But the story is solid through and through. Does not disappoint. Here are some clips that I think help my message about Willow ring true. Thank you, Joss! You are a tv blessing.

P.S. If you can't sit through the entire song from the Buffy musical I'm posting below I totally understand, but if you've never seen it, you at least have to see 1.35 until the end. Straight men should especially enjoy.

Bianca Montgomery is one of the many "children" on All My Children. From what I've read about her character it seems she received a great deal of attention from the LGBT community, as well as admiration for the actress herself for highlighting such an important issue for homosexuals: coming out. The All My Children creator Agnes Nixon told The Advocate in 2000 that with the character of Bianca, she hoped that outing an already-established character as gay would make for a more integrated storyline. AfterElton.com said the representation of gay and lesbian characters in the media is important when taking into account that the viewing audience for soap operas "is enormous". The strides made through this character for the gay community was revolutionary in the early 2000s. Especially on a day-time soap that's been on since 1970. Posted a video above of her coming out to her mother on AMC below. Couldn't find a shorter one. She comes out at 7.15 if that helps. :)

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Modern Family & Grey's Anatomy

This will be a chance to look at gay culture in current tv. The use of homosexual characters has always been somewhat of a joke in television, but now with shows like "Modern Family" and "Grey's Anatomy" tv has broken the mold and now premieres real, serious relationship woes and spectacles that are usually only portrayed through heterosexual characters.

"Modern Family" focuses on three separate households, all related to one another to create one big "happy" family for television of today. One of these three families focuses on the relationship of a gay couple, Mitchell and Cameron, and their new journey after adopting their daughter Lily.


"Grey's Anatomy" takes a different approach by showing the growth of a seemingly straight female character named Calli, into accepting herself as bisexual half-way through the show's timeline, and eventually marrying the love of her life, a woman and fellow co-worker, Arizona. The two face love, happiness, turmoil, scrutiny, dis-owning by family, break-ups, and even a pregnancy that forces them to realize what's important in their lives and eventually owning up to their mutual want to be mothers for that child.
